
YeeCall download

Explain and assess YeeCall
after that the service was free calls to block both voice calls or video calls in most countries and those countries which are the Arab countries for example, there are Saudi Arabia, the program had been blocked Viber and IMO program and program Line and also blocked calls WhatsApp and also the United Arab Emirates has blocked the application Messenger and some of the foreign countries blocked these applications as well, and all of this comes in the framework of protection Every country worry about what is happening from a secret calls in all these applications, there are some people criminals can use these applications in hostile operations, but this, of course, comes to users negatively so turned many users to search for similar applications to applications and calls Viber and WhatsApp and also be working the same efficiency of these large applications, appeared in the last recently some applications that perform the same tasks WhatsApp and Viber and IMO and Line, but there are those who are demanding of users large sums of money to run a toll-free service, but some of them come at a user service Among these applications are application YeeCall This application comes features entirely in favor of the user it works very affordable and low to allow users to buy more points a few money that used to be able to talk with his friends abroad at the lowest cost and this comes competition for the prices of local companies that force users to pay money a lot in return for international calls, is also seeking some countries to block those programs, but the strength of these programs and stiffness encryption makes countries unable to withhold such programs and in particular application YeeCall.
features application YeeCall:

• the application is available free to all users in all countries.

• you can make voice and video calls.

• accuracy and clarity of the video calls format HD.

• you can talk with your friends through Chats and text conversations.
Released: 4.2.5594
Release Date: 10/03/2017
Last updated on  03/09/2017
Operating system: Android

Download YeeCall for Android

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